Walk Away

Walk Away

So this is it.  My last day.  Thirty days goes by very quickly.  Four weeks ago I gave notice that I would be leaving my position as Archivist and Reference Librarian (aka Queen of the Histolibrarianivists).

I’m usually pretty open about my professional life but I have been purposefully hush hush on this issue.  Not because I have anything to hide but because I haven’t a clue as to where things are going from here.  My husband was offered an opportunity to move forward in his job and I am following him to new adventures.

So it is with a mix of sadness and excitement that I offer the last installment of library day in the life.  Just like yesterday, I have documented my day in the life of a librarian in pictures.  This has been a fun project for me and I’ve enjoyed sharing my professional life with all of you.

Now that my career as a professional histolibrarianivist is on a temporary hiatus, I will probably be sharing more of my life as a wife and mom.  Who knows?

As for my library life, I’m a geek at heart and I’ll find my way back into the stacks.  Until then, enjoy the pics and continue reading about the lives of librarians.